Wednesday, October 5, 2016

7 IMPORTANT POINTS TO TAKE IN LIFE (only successfull people do)

1. Not all opportunities are to be taken. Some are traps

2. A person can become so determined to destroy another person that they become blind and end up destroying themselves

3. You fight best in your natural element and environment.Here the birds has advantage in his natural environment

4.Know your limits, we all have them

5.Sometimes the best response to provocation is not to fight

6.Sometimes to accomplish something you need team work, you will not always win  alone

7.Stick to what you do best and dont pursue what will kill you.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016


In this life all things interact with each other and unseen energy is what control all the things bt we human being we have also the power to control what going on.. its all in your head (mind)